My Writing
Writing about my latest thoughts and interests.
The 5 Hinderances – Get Out Of Your Own Way
In Buddhism, the 5 hinderances impede or get in the way of forward progress in meditation and life. They are obstacles that challenge you. It's important to pay attention to what is happening when you feel their challenge. By identifying the hindrances, you can get a better sense of what caused them to arise. Then figure out how to overcome them.
8 Ways To Create Interesting Content
We want to spend our time on interesting content. Whether it is something we are consuming (what others create) or something you are producing (what you create). The mind naturally pays attention to what is most interesting. I'm going to provide you with eight ways to create interesting content by thinking different.
Improve Your Focus With 6 Actionable Ideas
Focus is a learnable skill. Channeling your thoughts and actions to one activity can dramatically improve your productivity. If you’ve watched the movie Limitless you’ll have seen this narrative dramatized. Focused work is attention to one activity for an extended period of time. There are three related terms tossed around for this topic.
How To Think Clearly By Writing
Humans write to persuade, inform, tell stories, and change history. Writing is more impactful than ever with vast and instant distribution. On the internet (or before the internet), one person's writing can change the trajectory of the world. I'm writing more in 2021 because it will clarify my thoughts. I want to think better so I can do better and be better. It's also fun to look back on what I've previously written.
How To Think From First Principles – Like Elon Musk
First principles thinking allows you to think clearly and think for yourself. By definition, a first principle is a basic thought that cannot be reduced further. You can learn how to incorporate this into your thinking tool kit and I will show you three ways to start. In my (current) opinion, on the journey to "think better, do better, be better" understanding reasoning from first principles is step number one.
Hey World – Think For Yourself And Think Different
Do you hear that? That's your mind. It never shuts up, does it. I’ve blogged about my thoughts in the past and think that the time has come again to put them out into the universe. There’s no one listening yet but I’m doing this for me. I want to write to help clarify my thoughts on various topics.