My Writing
Writing about my latest thoughts and interests.
Creating Value
What value can you bring to the world? I woke up this morning thinking about the value that I bring to this world. This meant pondering about what I was contributing to my fellow humans. Was I doing enough? I decided that I can do more. I can add more value into this world if […]
Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail And How To Succeed
You are not alone if you made a New Year’s resolution this year. You are also not alone if you find you’re not able to stick to your resolutions. Learn about the Fresh Start Effect and how to make your resolutions stick this year. It’s all about changing behaviour.
Mandatory Passionate Opinions
People hold opinions and share them with great passion and certainty. These opinions are often shared instantly, widely, and in an over-simplified way. The right choice has become the safe choice. The safe choice has become the popular choice. The choice that does not get you cancelled. The thinking is done for you. Society has put less emphasis of the actions people take and more emphasis on vocalizing the right action.
What gets you up in the morning?
What gets you up in the morning? Not your alarm. Or your kids. Or anything else like that. Think of what draws you into the world to begin your day.
First 6 Months Of Creating Content (And Why I’m Taking a Break)
I'm halfway through my goal of posting 50 pieces of content. Currently I'm writing about one article and creating one YouTube video every 2 weeks, which puts me right on schedule. However, it's been a challenge and it's time to take a break. Or at least not post as frequently. I'll be back soon and will continue to work on content in the background.
30 Thoughts For My 30 Year Old Self
I’m turning 30 this year and what better way to celebrate than to share with you 30 thoughts for my future 30 year old self. In no particular order, I bring you these thoughts.