Think Better
Posts about
thinking, doing, and being better
while I’m busy figuring it out.
Letter From Dad
Dear Bollito, I’m so excited to welcome you into this world. You’ve been a long time coming and will be in my arms soon. I have many hopes and dreams for the Dad I will be to you. It’s my most important role yet. I hope that as Dad I can help make your life […]
Summer 2024 Lessons – Catching Up
Hi friends It's been a busy few months and I fell behind on my writing. My priorities have been elsewhere and probably will continue to be for the next while. But I wanted to share a catch up post. Each month I keep a list of thoughts, ideas, opinions, and insights that I come across […]
February 2024 Lessons – Committed Citizens Change The World
Each month I keep a list of thoughts, ideas, opinions, and insights that I come across and find interesting. From this list I’ve selected some to share with you: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead “Marry […]
January 2024 Lessons – Introspection on Focus
Each month I keep a list of thoughts, ideas, opinions, and insights that I come across and find interesting. From this list I’ve selected some to share with you: Almost everyone I’ve ever met would be well-served by spending more time thinking about what to focus on. - Sam Altman You must cultivate activities that you […]
December 2023 Lessons – Reality Is An Acquired Taste
Each month I keep a list of thoughts, ideas, opinions, and insights that I come across and find interesting. From this list I’ve selected some to share with you: “Comparison is the thief of joy” - Franklin Roosevelt Shorten your to-do list by asking yourself “What is the worst that will happen if this does not […]
Lessons From MVP
Learn, learn, read, and learn. - MVP My grandma passed away recently and I was very close with her. Her initials were MVP. Fitting. We had many chats about philosophy, psychology, math, and life. She was an avid learner and adventurer. I wish we could have spent more time together but we never lived in […]