Do Better
Posts about
thinking, doing, and being better
while I’m busy figuring it out.
What gets you up in the morning?
What gets you up in the morning? Not your alarm. Or your kids. Or anything else like that. Think of what draws you into the world to begin your day.
First 6 Months Of Creating Content (And Why I’m Taking a Break)
I'm halfway through my goal of posting 50 pieces of content. Currently I'm writing about one article and creating one YouTube video every 2 weeks, which puts me right on schedule. However, it's been a challenge and it's time to take a break. Or at least not post as frequently. I'll be back soon and will continue to work on content in the background.
30 Thoughts For My 30 Year Old Self
I’m turning 30 this year and what better way to celebrate than to share with you 30 thoughts for my future 30 year old self. In no particular order, I bring you these thoughts.
The Information Advantage – A Mental Model To Get Ahead (Part 2)
Welcome to part two of my information advantage series. Humans have looked for advantages to get ahead of others throughout history. It's a part of our competitive nature and why we are the dominant species on the planet currently. I believe a big part of our dominance is our information advantage. What has really given us the edge has been the areas of information I'll be discussing here: knowledge, unlearning, application, and usefulness.
The Information Advantage – A Mental Model To Get Ahead (Part 1)
My thoughts about information and how I think about it as a mental model. This is part one of a two part series where I'm exploring the topic. Having better, faster, newer, and more accurate information gives the receiver an advantage. As a competitive species we're all looking for an edge. It's the selfish nature of our genes that drives this competition to survive and thrive. When we are able to look at information objectively I think we discover knowledge. Information turns into knowledge and knowledge creates power. Power is having a relative advantage.
Stoicism: Explained! An Overview On The Way Of Life
I stumbled across the Stoic philosophy going down various internet rabbit holes several years ago. The concept, philosophy, way of life, school of thought, or however else you choose to look at Stoicism, has positively impacted my life and so I wanted to share it. I wouldn't consider myself a Stoic but I apply certain principles, especially related to mindset, on a daily basis. It provides a framework to influence my perspectives and internal state of mind.